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Banking Services
at your fingertips

Gain access to banking services, and start making financial transactions from your fingertips, through Mobile Banking.

24 Hours Banking Services

Get different banking services from your fingertips through Mobile Banking, including,

  1. Viewing account details, including account type, balance, accrued interest, and more,
  2. Request for statement immediately.
  3. Open fixed deposit or recurring deposit directly from your phone.
  4. Get the location of branches and ATMs of your branch.

Few Interesting Numbers

Here are some numbers we researched, that speak about our Mobile Banking service.


Registered Mobile Banking Users

*This only includes users of Mobile Banking applications developed by F1Soft


QR Payments Per Month

*On average, 216,758 QR payments are done per day, ranging from small grocery stores to big retail chains.


Topups Done Per Month

By the time you finish a 3-hour movie, 4,508,713.23+ topups will have occurred.


Users Growth (2079/80)

*This only includes users of Mobile Banking applications developed by F1Soft

Recent Articles

Our recent articles provide you with updates & latest trends in the world of Mobile Banking.
मोबाइल बैंकिङ्गबाटै तुरुन्तै लोन प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् र कागजातको झन्झट छोड्नुहोस् - Featured Image

मोबाइल बैंकिङ्गबाटै तुरुन्तै लोन प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् र कागजातको झन्झट छोड्नुहोस्

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The Future of Mobile Banking in Nepal - Featured Image

The Future of Mobile Banking in Nepal

Transporting back ten years in time you’re out shopping and forget your wallet, you’d immediately pa...

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Dish Home TV को Recharge गर्न अझै धेरै सजिलो - मोबाइल बैंकिङ्गबाटै बिना कुनै झन्झट रिचार्ज गर्नुहोस्

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