Gain access to banking services, and start making financial transactions from your fingertips, through Mobile Banking.
Get different banking services from your fingertips through Mobile Banking, including,
Here are some numbers we researched, that speak about our Mobile Banking service.
*This only includes users of Mobile Banking applications developed by F1Soft
*On average, 216,758 QR payments are done per day, ranging from small grocery stores to big retail chains.
By the time you finish a 3-hour movie, 4,508,713.23+ topups will have occurred.
*This only includes users of Mobile Banking applications developed by F1Soft
Mobile banking in Nepal has come a long way, making daily transactions easier and more convenient. M...
Continue ReadingWith mobile banking, banking is available to you 24/7. Here are a list of all the mobile banking fea...
Continue ReadingWith mobile banking becoming one of the cornerstones of life in this digital age, many benefits and...
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